making of new Montana laws obviously is not supposed to make sense.
we have a Montana state legislature now in session that is at one-and-the-same-time
advancing new laws to (1) cut out funding for purchase of new wildlife habitats
available for hunters including a shut-down of the popular Block Management
Program for private land access, and, (2) allow 10 year-olds to go hunting
without first taking a hunter education course, because the outdoor sports
industry is losing market share and needs new customers.
In an
individual human this would be diagnosed as bipolar disorder and the patient
properly institutionalized.
only way both laws can logically intersect is if private land outfitters are
planning pay-to-play ‘kiddie parks’ at affordable rates for young
families. Federal and State public
lands, while they last, will already be full up as they nearly are now.
the Montana bill, SB 395, is almost a good bill. It would establish a hunter
apprenticeship program in which an adult ‘mentor’ can take prospective new
hunters on a ‘test ride’ of a new adventure without having to first complete
the 18-hour state Hunter Education course.
SB 395 standards for the mentor are still too weak, at least two years
of prior license holding should be required instead of one year, and some
demonstrated competency is needed. {see Utah below}
SB 395 goes badly wrong is the lowering of the legal hunting age to 10 years. I
could write a book on the thousand ways this is a bad idea. (that book would
already exist if all the objections to child-hunting already
written by knowledgeable people were compiled. See Mike Korn's guest essay below for well-written details)
know that the vast majority of the volunteer Hunter Ed instructors who actually
observe young people in their course – through the eyes of seasoned,
knowledgeable hunter – all say the juveniles younger than 12 years are not
ready to handle lethal force responsibility, or to comprehend the ethic, moral
aspects of killing beautiful wild animals.
been a Montana instructor for 25 years now, with another nine prior years in
Mississippi. I’ve seen eight year olds who were ready to hunt and 18-year-olds
who were dangerous just sitting in class.
I also observed problematic interactions between parents and youths in
which I would have bet on the kid over the parent. Fifty seven years ago when Montana enacted
mandatory Hunter Ed they got it right when the minimum age was set at 12 years.
kids haven’t changed in the way they mature over the years. Montana State
Legislators, on the other hand, seem to have reversed evolution.
Utah last year passed an apprentice hunting program that is just what the
doctor ordered. Research has demonstrated that the age class in which mandatory
Hunter Ed laws do cause a slight barrier to would-be hunters is between ages
13-20. No impediment is found at younger ages. {Fish & Wildlife Ref Service, No 113, Summer 1997}
the Utah program: “Participants
must be at least 11 years old when applying for the program and 12 years old to
hunt. Trial hunters must be accompanied by a licensed hunter age 21 or older
and complete an orientation course
and exam. Once an authorization number is approved, the trial hunter
has three years to take hunter education.
“Trial hunters are limited to participating in small game, upland game, waterfowl, general-season deer and elk, bear, cougar, sage grouse, sandhill crane, sharp-tailed grouse, swan and turkey hunts with the proper permits. They are not allowed to hunt in trophy-game areas or get once-in-a-lifetime permits,” according to a Salt Lake Tribune story.
“Trial hunters are limited to participating in small game, upland game, waterfowl, general-season deer and elk, bear, cougar, sage grouse, sandhill crane, sharp-tailed grouse, swan and turkey hunts with the proper permits. They are not allowed to hunt in trophy-game areas or get once-in-a-lifetime permits,” according to a Salt Lake Tribune story.
thus scores a bulls-eye on the demographic need with its new rules. I wish the
Montana Legislature would punt SB 395 to the 2017 session and re-work off the
Utah precedent. It’s not as if one more
session will matter. Montanans has been fighting off these bad child-age
hunting bills for the last four or five sessions.
concerns over declining hunter license sales are real; hunting as an
institution in American life is about to fall over a demographic cliff as
decades of wrong-headed leadership and grassroots complacency comes to a climax
with the aging of baby boomers. But that’s going to happen no matter what.
the traditional, ethical, public hunting community can at any time stabilize
its numbers simply by opening its heart and arms to the greater society and
display the genuinely good ethical, science-based lifestyle hunting has to
offer. Indeed, new faces are already
attracted to hunting by way of the ‘locavore’ and ‘natural foods’ movements.
the demands of a hunting-centered commercial industry there would be no real
push for child-age hunting.
so-called “Families Afield” marketing concept is actually an imitation of the
famous McDonalds juvenile marketing strategy.
By loading Saturday morning childrens’ TV schedules with ‘Ronald
McDonald’ and ‘Happy Meal’ advertising the company cleverly made it impossible
to drive past one of their restaurants without a backseat uprising to demand a stop
for treat. Over time persuading young children evolved into an all-age market
share. This is intended to be an
explanation not a criticism of McDonalds. They run a very good business.
I am
criticizing the McDonaldization of a sacred and natural human relationship with
wild things and wild places. Not only are the moneychangers running amok in the
temple they are now rewriting the faith.
~~ Good Hunting, Ron ~~
Babes with
- or -
Why I Oppose
Senate Bill 395
By Michael
Korn recently retired as the Deputy
Chief of FWP Law Enforcement after serving more than 26 years with the agency.
Members of the
legislature as well as a number of conservation and gun groups have proposed a bill
to allow 10-year-olds to hunt. By “hunt” I mean to be licensed to take an
animal legally with a firearm during the regular hunting seasons. They would be
“apprentices” supervised by older hunters (referred to as mentors) and would
not have had to complete Hunter Education. The premise for this bill is that
the number of hunters is shrinking nationwide and we have to do everything we
can to encourage the next generation to carry on Montana’s Hunting Heritage.
Although the
motives here are well-intentioned, I don’t buy it. I can’t go along for a
number of reasons. First, having raised
a couple of kids myself, been involved in various youth outdoor activities
(including Hunter Education and taking kids under 12 hunting with me), 10 is
not an age for a youngster to be carrying-- that is, in full possession and
control of-- a firearm - even under
supervision. There’s a reason a kid can’t take Hunter Education until he or she
is 11- and why the most traditional gift for a 12 year old is their first gun (mine
was a .22). It is the almost universal age of transition out of childhood.
Cultures and religions around the world all have rites of passage that are
generally marked by the 12th birthday or thereabouts. If hunting for
the first time is not a rite of passage here in Montana, I don’t know what is.
I have
observed kids growing to twelve and watched as their physical, mental and
emotional maturity and dexterity changed; and it changed radically from year to
year. I suspect that Child Development folks would say that this moves at a
rate of not one a year at a time but exponentially from one year to the
next. At ten they’re still-- well,
little kids. Yeah many 10 year-olds are handed lofty responsibilities- I’ve
seen them run tractors on farms and ranches and be hot amongst ‘em during
calving. But still- they’re 10. SB 395
says the mentor must “…confirm an apprentice hunter possess the physical and
psychological capacity to ethically engage in hunting activities.” I don’t know how on earth that can be done
nor should such a responsibility be placed on the “mentor’s” shoulders.
Hunter Education program is second to none. It started in the 1950’s and has
turned out thousands of Montana hunters since then. It has gone from simply a
firearms safety course to a thorough, complete overview not only of firearms
handling but wildlife biology, outdoor skills, landowner relations and so much
more. A youngster who graduates from Hunter Ed is armed with far more than just
a rifle; he or she has been given the basics of enjoying wild Montana as well
as a super-sized helping of hunter ethics that will last a lifetime. To bring
our kids into hunting while bypassing all this is simply wrong-headed. It
rudely brushes aside the 1000’s of hours donated by Hunter Education
instructors annually and sets the stage, I believe, for problems-potentially catastrophic- that my
former colleagues in FWP Law Enforcement
will be dealing with well into the future. That’s lousy job security.
Finally, SB
395 simply reduces hunting in Montana to act of killing something. After all,
that is the intent of the bill, to allow ten year olds to carry a firearm and
shoot something. I find this not only counter to our Hunting Heritage but
perhaps more important in the long run, a lay-up for anti-hunters. Hunting involves a huge range of skills to be
successful including marksmanship, tracking, knowledge of wildlife behavior,
ability to read and understand regulations…the list goes on. In spite of
setting up a mentor system, it circumvents all the cumulative cultural and
institutional systems for learning to hunt and goes directly to shoot and kill.
Such a path panders to anti-hunters who
claim that killing is the be all and end all for hunters. We can ill afford to
paint ourselves in that corner. If we proceed that way, Pogo will have been
right: “We have met the enemy-- and they are us.”
Montana is
one of the few states where “hunter recruitment,” that is, bringing new hunters
into the fold, is nowhere near the problem of other places. The percentage of
Montanans who hunt today- at least gauged through the purchase of licenses is
about 20% which is about the same of our surrounding states and far and above
the single digits of the more populous states, even in other parts of the
West. No, everyone doesn’t hunt and
young people are distracted, it seems, more and more by school activities, sports,
computer stuff and fast thumbing text messages to their friends. We have to
face the fact that the way we live has changed, is changing and will continue
to change- even in Montana. Hunting may not occupy the lion’s share of this
generation’s imagination in the same way it did ours. But letting 10 year olds go
out to shoot something is not going to change that.
If we really
want to make a meaningful contribution to Montana’s Hunting and Outdoor Heritage
and we must have some formal, law-driven system then why not establish a
program through FWP’s Hunter Education Program where a person 10 years old (or
younger) gets a kit. That kit would include a log book, a manual on outdoorsmanship,
and a book (written at an appropriate age level) about Montana’s Outdoor Heritage.
The young person will accompany a parent or a friend into the field, not just
during hunting season but year-round. When he or she learns about tracking,
they mark it in the logbook as a task accomplished; when they see elk on the
winter range and they can speak to why they are there, they mark it in the
book; when they learn to read a map and use a compass or (God help us techno
challenged folk) a GPS-it gets logged in the book. Basically a system not
unlike scout merit badges. When, at age 11 (the age they can take Hunter
Education) and all the logbook tasks are expected to be fulfilled, it is noted
and the young outdoorsman or woman is entered into a raffle. The winners of that raffle could get their
first big game hunting rifle or shotgun to use when they graduate from Hunter’s
Education (i.e. rite of passage) and goes forth for their first trip afield as
a hunter, with all the privileges and responsibilities that entails.
bills have been rejected by the legislature 3 other times in recent years and SB
395 has raised forth again ---a solution looking for a problem-- and a
wrong-headed one at that. Let’s teach
our kids that the Montana outdoors is a great, wondrous place to be year round
regardless of having a rifle slung over your shoulder or out on a hike or
camping. Let’s not cater to instant gratification and all the wrong things that hunting is criticized as
being about.
Korn, Clancy, MT